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Thursday, August 9, 2012

Cereal box File Boxes

Get out of My head Please

 Click on The link above to the original blog I followed to make my own files, daughter doing the legwork.
Today my daughter,with my guidance made file boxes out of cereal boxes. I had needed them to put papers in to be in order with need to do immediately , etc. I have been misplacing papers in a bad way. Now these will not win a beauty contest, but I had the supplies on hand and they will work for my needs. I can write on their backsides:

Will write with markers here as soon as I decide what each file will be used for.

My daughter here made special paper to cover the files with. We also used old paper the kids had made by decorating and had been sitting around for years:  

Part way done here:

We went sort of backwards here and have mercy, my camera is not the best. I cannot figure out the complicated ones.

  1. To make these you need empty larger cereal boxes which you cut front and back corner to corner.
  2. To cut- of course -good scissors. My daughter had to rest and continue, since her hands hurt her.
  3. Papers to modge podge for decoration .As stated I wanted to use stuff I had been hanging onto that my kids did way back and my daughter wanted to stamp some new ones. You could use much nicer papers than I did. I just wanted to have a place to put the papers piling up.
  4. Modge  Podge I made my own and works so well. Much cheaper. The directions are here.:
  5. She suggests decorating yogurt cups on the blog to make for the front of the files. I have them pictured, but decided to skip that part since I could not see what I would do with the cups on the front. She is using them for a different purpose.
  6. I did not have a foam paint brush so I used my regular larger items brush. Foam would have been nicer I think. I am, a use what is cheap and already possess person.

  • Cut the boxes as already instructed. I had my daughter cut corner to corner for her ease. You might want to make them wider.
  • Wrap the cut boxes. You can do with strips. I just flushed the paper on the edge to box and cut end or glued them inside like a package.
  • You may want to put a towel down for the next part. Modge Podge  the boxes side . Place you paper to cover . cover the whole outside box.
  • Let dry for about an hour.
  • Sweep over the paper on your files to seal your them and slightly gloss.
  • Dry. After drying you can do the inside. Since mine will be stuffed with renegade papers, I did not do that bit.
  • Take pictures. lol

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